Tuesday, April 7, 2009

LE Hairstyle soon?????

Hey girls!

Today I have written Stardoll because of LE Hairstyle. The Staff answered me quickly:

I know they usually write that back. However, when I wrote about Rihanna's hairstyle to them, they also answered that and we got it so soon.
They may make this again??? I would be so happy...

What do you think about it?


Anonymous said...

I noticed that you mentioned the LE hairstyle as a regular hair option or for Starpoints. At this point in time, I must differ with you. The economy is in such shambles that more and more people are not even able to afford internet connection much less the money to give their kids to "throw away" on a virtual world. I think Stardoll needs to take that into consideration and begin adding things at lower prices with better quality. So, I would like to see the hairstyle available for everyone.

Anonymous said...

They always said it for ANY ideas. With Rihanna hairstyle it could be just a coincident. Besides if they made this hairstyle why they wouln't give us it?

Adri said...

Anonymus 1:
If you read the post more considerate again, I think it turns out that I support everyone gets LE hairstyle.

Adri said...

Anonymus 2:
In many case Stardoll doesn't always answer you.
I am sure it was a coincidence but everyone would be happy if it happened again.

Anonymous said...

Adri, my point was that I wouldn't have given them an option with "or for Starpoints" as you did in your note to them. I would have only said give us this hairstyle. By adding the "or for Starpoints," it becomes an exclusive item that means people have to possibly pay more money to achieve. Lots of people can't afford that right now. That's what I meant by differing with you--the approach. Also by stating "or for Starpoints" the Stardoll creators think that it would be okay to put the hairstyle into the Starpoint category and I'm not okay with that. I would like to see it as a regluar hairstyle that could be obtained by anyone--Superstar or non-superstar. I hope I've clarified my position a little better.

Baileygirl1212 said...

Hi, Adri
I am happy you suggested that.
I recently suggested the Lady Gaga Hairstyles or at least 2 Blunt Bobs and I recieved the same message. ♥

DeSushiTimes said...

sorry to say so but that message is send to everyone making a suggestion.. its just another one of those annoying automatically generated emails they alwasy send..

but i do agree it looks fab!